
Welcome to the NFSA St. Louis Community

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The St. Louis Metro Area Chapter of the National Fire Sprinkler Association is dedicated to advancing the fire sprinkler concept throughout the region. The chapter is coordinated by fire department veteran and former fire marshal Paul Richard who works closely with fire officials, legislators, and the public to promote the widespread acceptance of fire sprinklers. For more information on chapter events and training, contact Paul at richard@nfsa.org.



The St. Louis Fire Sprinkler Alliance of the National Fire Sprinkler Association is dedicated to educating and informing the St. Louis area public of the vital role sprinkler systems play in fire protection. The Alliance supports and encourages responsible workmanship through its member firms, listed on this website.


The St. Louis Fire Sprinkler Alliance will continue as the leader in the fields of fire protection and safety. To accomplish this, the faculty and members will:

  • Work to increase professionalism within the fire protection industry;
  • Build a united allegiance with the fire districts;
  • Educate the public and those whose decisions affect the industry;
  • Build strong community ties; and increase media awareness.
  • Get the public pro-active by demanding that the buildings they use are safe, will be the motivation for changes in legislation and code enforcement.


Because who installs your fire protection system can be just as important as the fire protection system itself, don’t settle for anything less than an accredited member of the St. Louis Fire Sprinkler Alliance (SLFSA) to assure yourself of the highest caliber of quality and safety.

There are no second chances when dealing with fire, and the Fire Sprinkler Industry is a highly technical field that changes rapidly. That is why the Department of Labor has approved the Sprinkler Fitters Local 268 five-year apprenticeship program that includes 7500 hours of on the job training. That is also why Sprinkler Fitters Local 268 has invested in a state of the art training center featuring classrooms with computers and shop area for hands on training. But the training does not end at the end of the five year program; journeymen are required to take continuing education classes during the evening in an effort to keep up with ever changing technology. We take pride that manufacturers and industry representatives have stated that the members of Sprinkler Fitters Local 268 are some of the most knowledgeable and well trained in the industry.

Chapter Officers

Chairman Andy Bill, J.F. Ahern Company
Vice Chairman Richard Boyer, Boyer Fire Protection
Secretary Treasurer Ed Muskett, JCI/Grinnell Fire Prtoection

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